Letter #177

Content Warnings: Depression, work stress


This past spring semester, I really struggled to get my act together. I was a mess and was constantly just being lazy. Not really lazy, as I knew my bed-rot moments were the only ones holding together my sanity, but I really wasn’t doing much. Now, I have sooo much to do. I have an unpaid internship and a job. It’s crazy and kind of hard to keep up. I can feel myself slipping back into the place where I shut down and try to preserve my mental energy. One thing I have started to do is checking my emails everyday and getting  myself into a productive mindset. Also, waking up early and starting my day with a relaxing bath has helped me to wake up and get into a good state of mind. Feeling clean helps me to feel good about myself. By boosting my self-esteem, it’s easier to get other things done and not just stay in bed all day.


Keywords: Teenager (13-19), Young Adult (20-24), Student


Tags: Burn-out, depression, self-esteem, work and academic stress, work-life balance


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